Breaking News

Biden Reframes Netanyahu as "Evil Man"

Israeli media reports indicate a notable escalation in the animosity between US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with Biden reportedly labeling Netanyahu as "evil."

11-02-2024, 20:50

UN food agency reports Gazans lack meals during Israeli onslaught

Israeli war displaces Gaza's population, leading to severe shortages of food, water, and medicine.

11-02-2024, 20:35

Biden's Tripartite Doctrine: Shaping the Middle East through Three Key Axes

Reassessing Regional Dynamics and the Biden Doctrine in the Middle East.

11-02-2024, 08:24

Israeli Political Analyst: Netanyahu Has Transformed Israel into a State of Criminality

Israeli Political Expert Condemns Netanyahu's Leadership, Alleges Transformation of Israel into a Criminal State

11-02-2024, 07:08

Ukraine should give up its territory because its citizens do not want to fight

Challenges Mount as GOP Support for Ukraine Aid Wanes: A Critical Examination of Ukraine's War Effort and the Case for Reevaluation

11-02-2024, 03:17