Breaking News

Netanyahu rejects Biden's cease-fire suggestion and declares to continue the Gaza war

Netanyahu reveals in a private Knesset meeting that he is not prepared to end the war at this time.

4-06-2024, 20:54

Australian lawmaker calls on government to cease arms agreements with Israel

David Pocock urges global action to halt the war in Gaza, emphasizing the need for all countries to intervene using available means.

4-06-2024, 20:51

UN experts urge all member states to officially recognize the statehood of Palestine

UN experts emphasize that a political resolution to the crisis should not be assumed as inevitable.

4-06-2024, 20:47

IATA predicts airlines will reach a net profit of $30. 5 billion by 2024

Head of IATA forecasts a record-breaking 5 billion passengers flying on 39 million flights across 22,000 routes this year.

4-06-2024, 20:44

Georgia's parliament speaker approves legislation on 'foreign influence'

Organizations must register with the state if they receive over 20% of their funding from abroad.

4-06-2024, 20:41

Getting Familiar with Scotland, Geography, Culture, and Economy (Part 2)

This article addresses getting familiar with Scotland. We will learn more about the geography, culture and economy of this country. Stay with us.

4-06-2024, 03:04