Breaking News

UN Chief Condemns Deadly Israeli Attack on Palestinian Refugee Camp, Calls for Protection of Civilians

Antonio Guterres 'expresses his extreme sorrow and his condemnation of the deaths of hundreds of Palestinian civilians,' says spokesman

10-06-2024, 21:53

UN Chief Condemns Deadly Israeli Attack on Palestinian Refugee Camp, Calls for Protection of Civilians

Antonio Guterres 'expresses his extreme sorrow and his condemnation of the deaths of hundreds of Palestinian civilians,' says spokesman

10-06-2024, 21:53

BRICS Foreign Ministers Gather in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia to Discuss Multipolarity and Counter-Western Agenda

Two day gathering begins with minute of silence in memory of Iranian president and foreign minister who died in chopper crash last month

10-06-2024, 21:49

Global Temperatures Reach Record High, Climate Scientists Warn of Dire Consequences

Many countries will see temperature records being shattered this summer, warns Piers Forster, director of Priestley Center for Climate Futures

10-06-2024, 21:46

Summer Surge: Oil Prices Anticipated to Rise Amid High Demand

Ongoing Conflict in Oil-Rich Middle East: Geopolitical Tensions Send Oil Prices Soaring as Houthi-Western Forces Engage in Protracted Battles

10-06-2024, 21:41