How to cope with anxiety, a relaxation technique
Guide you through a relaxation technique to help relieve anxiety.
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Managing our anxiety and being able to switch off and relax a little each day can help us to stay well. Holidays and short breaks can also make us feel great. So, it is suggested that you take a holiday every day. Or even twice a day, all from the comfort of wherever you are and wherever you may feel stressed. Whether that be in the comfort of your own home, travelling on public transport or at work. You're going to learn a technique to help you relax. To focus your mind away from worries and stress and also to relax your body. It can be used quietly in full at home - but with practice, the aim over time is to be able to quickly move to a relaxed state mentally and physically by simply using the words Calm-Control whenever you feel anxious or stressed. Just relax comfortably back, letting your gaze settle upon the point you've chosen.
And as the relaxation continues, you may wish to close your eyes in order to enjoy deeper calm.
Think first about your hands, thinking about the position of your hands and any slight contact or pressure of the palms of your hands. The tips of your fingers and any feelings of warmth or coolness. Just being aware of the temperature of the skin of your hands. Whether they're warm or cool. And any other feelings you may notice there. And now your arms, the position of your arms and your shoulders resting back. Just being aware of any tension or tightness in the muscles of your arms around your shoulders and neck.
Tension or tightness now becoming replaced by relaxation. So, your arms now begin to feel limp and relaxed. Letting relaxation come. Your arms limp and relaxed. Letting controlled relaxation begin to come all through your body. Not resisting it, but just inviting this controlled relaxation. And now your feet and legs, just like your hands and arms. First your feet, and all the feelings you notice there. The position of your feet. And the warmth or coolness. Being aware of the temperature of the skin of your feet. Whether they're warm or cool. And just noticing the position of your legs and any pressure in the back of your legs. Being aware of any tightness there being replaced by relaxation. Just like your arms, limp and relaxed.
And now, the muscles of your stomach and chest. Knotted up tension feelings being replaced by relaxation. Sinking back, deeper into the relaxation. Not resisting it, but inviting controlled relaxation. And now your face muscles, around your forehead and eyes. Frowning tension being replaced by smooth relaxation. Your forehead muscles smooth and relaxed. Now be aware of your jaw muscles, clenching teeth tension being replaced by relaxation. A deep, controlled, calm relaxation all through you. And taking time to enjoy this control, your control over tension. And now allow a picture to appear in your mind's eye. A calm picture, whether it's somewhere you know, a holiday, or flowers. Whatever you choose. Anything you want.
It's your picture. And through the picture, deeper still into controlled, calm, relaxation. And the more you practice this technique, you'll find it easier and easier to bring on these deep, controlled, calm feelings. Now stop it for 10 seconds while you continue with your calm, controlled relaxation. Then in your own time, bring the session to an end.
When you try this technique on your own you can relax for as long as you require. Could you physically relax the different parts of your body? Did you find that you were able to move your mind on to a relaxing scene? Somewhere that felt calmer and relaxing? As you continue with this practice you will find you have more and more confidence in your ability to control feelings of tension in everyday life by just thinking the words “calm control” whenever you start to feel anxious. Sometimes people notice that when they first try this, it feels a bit odd, they don't feel fully relaxed. Don't worry, this is perfectly normal. And like anything, it's likely to become easier with practice, but if you find over time it’s not something that helps you relax then there are lots of other approaches that people find can improve how they feel, such as connecting with someone, using a playlist of music you find helpful, going for a walk, or trying another relaxation technique that uses an alternative content.
And now that you've practiced this relaxation technique, the key is to try to build on this by regular practice. You've made a good start here by giving this a try. To get the most from this approach, you need to use it in everyday practice for a few weeks so you get really good at it.
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