China has a large number of large technology projects and has a 15-year plan called the 2035 China Standards. In this plan, China should be considered as a global leader in the field of AI, the thing that Elon Musk has also mentioned.
Musk says China's future advances in technology and AI could have a huge, but not-so-interesting, impact on the US economy.
Until a few years ago, executives at major companies such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon underestimated Chinese companies as inferior, but today everything seems to have changed.
Many believe that the future war will inevitably be based on the Artificial Intelligence.
Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper told a National Security Commission conference on AI: "Advances in AI have the potential to change the character of warfare for generations to come. Whichever nation harnesses AI first will have a decisive advantage on the battlefield for many, many years."
News ID : 513