Breaking News

US Faces Mounting Opposition as Iran, Turkey, and Russia Unite Against American Presence in Syria

Growing animosity towards the US as Iran, Turkey, and Russia align to challenge American involvement in Syria.

23-07-2023, 18:10

UAE Condemns Sweden's Quran Burnings as Protests and Embassy Attacks Escalate

According to the UAE, Sweden's choice to permit Quran burnings demonstrates a lack of respect for social values and a disregard for international responsibilities.

22-07-2023, 00:22

Why does airlines avoid passing the Pacific Ocean?

Can this be a mistake?

18-07-2023, 01:01

How traditional Culture is Destroyed in China

How the CCP destroyed traditional culture and manners in China

18-07-2023, 00:54

The Impact of US Sanctions: Consequences and Reevaluation

Explore the impact of US sanctions, their consequences, and the need for reevaluation. Delve into failures, suffering inflicted, and global implications.

16-07-2023, 03:31