Breaking News

New disputes flare up in the Royal family

News sources reported about new disputes between Saudi princes and their efforts to oust Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

22-02-2022, 05:25

UN Security Council gathers over Russian move on eastern Ukraine

Member states voice concern, urge Moscow to refrain from actions of destabilization.

21-02-2022, 20:05

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to visit Taiwan

Pompeo, who riled China while in office, will meet Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen and speak at a think-tank.

21-02-2022, 02:42

Iran, Qatar to sign major agreements on Raisi’s Doha visit

Four agreements due to be signed between Iran and Qatar on the two-day visit; Raisi to represent Iran at Gas Exporting Countries Forum.

21-02-2022, 02:40

Fresh protests demanding full civilian rule in Sudan

Sudan has been in turmoil since Oct. 25 military takeover.

21-02-2022, 02:26

US warns nationals of possible terror attacks in Moscow, Saint Petersburg

US diplomatic mission issues list of recommendations for its citizens in Russia.

21-02-2022, 02:11

Ukraine reports fresh shelling from Russia

Russia used arms prohibited under Minsk agreement, says Kyiv.

21-02-2022, 02:09

Why do some leaders prefer to sit behind Putin's 6-meter table?

If knowledge is empowering, could knowing the intimate secrets of one’s DNA a powerful weapon? The answer to this question could explain why some world leaders have agreed to sit behind a 6-meter table, as they seem to have refused to be tested for the coronavirus by Russia.

21-02-2022, 01:19

Civilians in Ukraine receive military training

Ukrainian civilians train for war, as Russia sends mixed signals.

19-02-2022, 20:43