Breaking News

Thousands join truckers protesting COVID curbs in Canada

Protesters rally in cities across Canada as Ottawa police chief calls for more resources to end truckers’ blockade in capital.

6-02-2022, 05:22

France to send Rafale jets to protect UAE airspace

France to lend military support following drone, missile attacks on gulf country amid escalation in Yemen war

5-02-2022, 06:02

President Trump was wrong, says his vice President Pence but Why?

Pence rebuked Trump's attacks saying, "The presidency belongs to the American people and the American people alone.”

5-02-2022, 05:24

Palestinians campaign to shelter freezing Syrian refugees

Campaign aims to build homes for refugees struggling to survive in harsh winter conditions.

2-02-2022, 07:47

Ukraine president urges no ‘panic’ over Russia tensions

President Volodymyr Zelensky calls on the West to avoid creating ‘panic’ in face of Russian troop buildup on its border.

28-01-2022, 20:09

Taliban delegation meets with Western officials in Norway

Qatar representative also attends meeting in Oslo.

24-01-2022, 23:15

Gunman kills 1, wounds 3, takes own life at German university

Police say gunman killed himself after shooting people on Heidelberg University campus, with motive unclear

24-01-2022, 23:13

New Zealand PM Jacida Ardern cancels wedding amid latest Omicron restrictions

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Arden has cancelled her wedding with longtime partner Clarke Gayford as the nation imposes new restrictions to slow the community spread of the Omicron variant.

23-01-2022, 05:48

5 dead, 6 missing as migrant boat sinks off Tunisia

Tunisian coast guard rescues 21 migrants from boat off eastern Sfax city.

21-01-2022, 09:16