Breaking News

IRGC hits US base, two Mossad training centers in Erbil

IRGC's ballistic missile attack targeted US base, Mossad training centers in Iraq’s Kurdistan region.

12-03-2022, 20:53

Coup against Putin intensifies

Vladimir Putin has placed the head of the FSB's foreign service under house arrest, along with his deputy.

12-03-2022, 19:33

Russian forces advancing towards the Ukrainian capital

Satellite images show Russian forces approaching the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv.

12-03-2022, 03:52

Zelensky pleads American Jews for support

In a call with Jewish leaders Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky slams Russian invasion as 'pure Nazi behaviour'.

10-03-2022, 19:54

Saudi Arabia and UAE leaders 'reject calls with US President Biden'

Officials say the snub comes as Saudi and Emirati officials voiced criticism of American policy in the Gulf in recent weeks.

10-03-2022, 00:00

No fly zone needed to protect civilians, says Zelenskky

Officials warn US may get involved in war directly if no fly zone implemented.

9-03-2022, 04:02

Russia declares temporary ceasefire to evacuate citizens

Humanitarian corridors have opened in several Ukrainian cities to allow non-combatants to leave, officials say.

9-03-2022, 00:17

Over 12,000 Russian soldiers killed in war, claims Ukraine

Ukrainian General Staff says 48 aircrafts, 80 helicopters, 303 tanks, 1,036 armored vehicles were destroyed so far.

8-03-2022, 03:18

Putin's aggression would be impossible without the US creating a world safe for autocracy

Why is democracy in retreat and autocracy in the ascendency?

6-03-2022, 20:32