Breaking News

Polish Citizens Extend Apology to Gaza Residents Following Relocation

Polish citizens express regret to the people of Gaza after their relocation from occupied territories, firmly stating their decision to remain in Poland and extending heartfelt apologies to the Palestinian community.

13-11-2023, 19:09

Putin blames the United States for the Palestine-Israel conflict

President Putin holds the United States responsible for the ongoing escalation between Israel and Palestine, asserting that Washington attempted to address a political issue through economic measures.

13-11-2023, 19:03

Fear in the Face of Resistance: Israeli Soldier’s Unconventional Uniform Amid Gaza Conflict

Amid the tension of the Israel Gaza war, an Israeli soldier stands out with his uniform worn unconventionally. His pants, worn in reverse, serve as a stark symbol of the fear and uncertainty that pervades the atmosphere.

13-11-2023, 18:42

Haaretz: Israel Can’t Be Managed by a Criminal Defendant

Israel is led by a criminal and corrupt leader, and now he has led the country into a war, whose precise objectives remain unclear, leaving the anticipated outcomes uncertain

13-11-2023, 18:31