Breaking News

Cryptocurrencies continue to fall as losses hit $1 trillion

LUNA's collapse causes instability in coin market.

22-05-2022, 20:16

Gazprom's natural gas transit through Ukraine drops by 26.4%

Firm's gas delivery dropping to 45.9M cubic meters on Saturday, down from 62.4M on Friday.

21-05-2022, 02:42

US stock markets lost more than $7 trillion this year

The Nasdaq managed a small rise on Thursday, but it is still down 27 per cent this year, placing it in market territory.

13-05-2022, 02:26

In a retaliatory move, Russia sanctions EU, US energy firms

Russia has imposed sanctions on more than 30 EU, US and Singaporean energy companies in a retaliatory move following Western penalties over Ukraine.

12-05-2022, 01:38

Employs tussle with new stresses as they return to office

As more companies mandate a return to the office, workers must readjust to pre-pandemic rituals like long commutes, juggling child care and physically interacting with colleagues.

9-05-2022, 20:46

Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies continue to plunge

Crypto market sees $290B erased, as market value drops 16% in less than a week.

9-05-2022, 04:09

Biden to sign new $100M weapons package for Ukraine

Biden signed a new $150 million weapons package for Ukraine on Friday.

6-05-2022, 19:23

Int'l donor conference in Warsaw raises $6.5 billion for Ukraine

An international donors conference in Warsaw on Thursday collecting funds for Ukraine raised around $6.5 billion, Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said.

6-05-2022, 19:15

Global LNG trade up 4.5% in 2021 as economic recovery continues

Out of global LNG demand, Asia continues as leading importing region.

6-05-2022, 00:58