Breaking News

Pakistan's religious affairs minister dies in road accident

Mufti Abdul Shakoor’s car hit by vehicle coming from opposite side, police say

15-04-2023, 16:13

Turkish weightlifter Bektas wins 3 European junior record-breaking gold medals

Cansu Bektas breaks 3 European junior records with 72 kg in snatch, 90 kg in clean and jerk, 162 kg in total

15-04-2023, 16:10

25 killed as a result of violence in Khartoum

Gunfire, bombs heard near army headquarters, presidential palace in Khartoum amid clashes between army, paramilitary force

15-04-2023, 16:06

Israel on the path of decline; the countdown has begun

As the International Quds Day has approached, its seems that Israel is on the path to decline and the Zionist regime will be wiped out of the world map soon.

15-04-2023, 01:49