Breaking News

Negative aspects of smartphones!

The article explores how our phones distract us from self-knowledge, nature, and mortality, and how they are both amazing and primitive devices.

19-06-2023, 07:46

Telosa, the future city in America in 2023!

A major factor behind this choice is that the American West has a lot of inexpensive and easily accessible land that has not been built on.

18-06-2023, 13:24

What is Vertical Farming?

Vertical farming: growing food indoors, in layers, with controlled conditions, to save space, water and energy, and increase yield and quality.

14-06-2023, 13:59

7 secrets of Elon Musk’s success

Elon Musk’s success secrets: read a lot, dream big, move on, give back, innovate, work hard and never give up.

14-06-2023, 13:50

How come water powered cars are not common?

The idea for water-powered cars has been kicking around for ages. Jules Verne wrote that “water will be the coal of the future!” way back in 1874… so why aren’t water-powered cars everywhere yet?

14-06-2023, 03:36

How long will the Sun last?

Stars just transform into something other rather than die. And how long that takes is basically determined by how much hydrogen they have and how effectively they burn it.

14-06-2023, 00:26

Unknown mysteries of Universe

We see only 5% of the universe. The rest is dark matter and energy. We don’t know what they are, but they shape reality. Gravity is the only clue.

14-06-2023, 00:21

Thousands of never seen before galaxies!

How the universe looked billions of years ago?

12-06-2023, 11:04