Breaking News

Milky Way's new black hole is 'only the beginning': Expert

Bouman is an expert in computational imaging which requires developing algorithms to observe distant phenomena.

13-05-2022, 02:17

Vision scientists revive light-sensing cells in organ donor eyes

Scientists have temporarily given dying cells in the human eye a glimmer of hope.

12-05-2022, 02:06

Biological men may be able to get pregnant soon

The reproductive organs of a dead donor or someone going in for sex change to be used in the procedure.

11-05-2022, 19:44

Iron Age complex found under house in Turkey village

The research was published in the journal ‘Antiquity’ on Wednesday. In the complex, archaeologists have found rare rock art drawings on walls, which show a procession of deities depicted in an Assyrian style.

10-05-2022, 21:32

NASA InSight lander records 'monster quake' on Mars

NASA's InSight lander landed on Mars in 2018. It has a very sensitive seismometer. Till now, InSight has recorded more than 1300 marsquakes.

10-05-2022, 21:29

Half Century old picture is showing an unidentified flying object

The photograph, in which a saucer-like object can be seen, has been shared several times on the microblogging platform Twitter.

10-05-2022, 21:26

SpaceX rocket launch illuminates sky, gives visual treat to viewers

On early Thursday morning, many witnessed a striking spectacle above—an ethereal cloud of illuminated gases that resembled a jellyfish.

9-05-2022, 20:58

The cosmic dance of the colliding galaxies

Both of these galaxies are located in the direction of constellation Horologium. The pair is about 60 million light-years away from Earth.

9-05-2022, 20:55