Breaking News

Blinken visits Saudi Arabia amid regional tensions

The US secretary of state will meet with Saudi leaders and attend meetings on regional security and counter-terrorism.

6-06-2023, 14:05

New issue found on Boeing’s 787 planes, deliveries halted

Boeing reveals a new problem with its 787 Dreamliner jets that affects a part of the tail.

6-06-2023, 13:55

Joaquin Phoenix shines in first look as Emperor in Ridley Scott film

Ridley Scott's upcoming historical drama Napoleon explores the French emperor's rise to power and his intense relationship with Empress Joséphine

6-06-2023, 06:54

Russia, Ukraine accuse each other of blowing up Kakhovka dam

Zelenskyy claims Moscow behind facility's 'destruction,' while Kremlin rejects accusations, calls it 'deliberate' act of sabotage by Kyiv

6-06-2023, 06:47